Aligning Mission Statements & Core Values with a Culture of Wellness

T o foster an engaged, thriving culture, your organization as a whole (from leadership to staff to users) has to know who it is, what its purpose is, where it’s going, and what it’s going to take to get there.

Your purpose, direction and driving forces are your mission, vision, and core values – and they are everything.

Regardless of what your organization does or who it serves, it’s never enough to just be passionate about the products and services your organization offers.

Your entire workforce also has to know the organization’s framework, align with what it stands for, and be willing to become the best version of themselves in order to move the entire organization forward.

Evolving to Nurture a Culture of Wellness

Mission statements and core values are unbelievably powerful, as they clearly present the objectives of the organization and inspire team members to make consistent, advantageous decisions every day. When crafted strategically, they can also help to achieve buy-in for new initiatives.

And when your organization grows and transforms—as all great organizations do and should—it’s imperative that your mission statement and core values evolve with you to continue conveying intentions and what the organization stands for.

When progressing to become a healthier, stronger workforce by investing in employee wellness (or improving your current culture of wellness), a strong vision is critical.

So, why wellness? What are your objectives for your culture of wellness? What strategies and initiatives will you implement to help it become and remain a success?

How to Write (or Amend) a Company Mission and Vision Statement That Includes Your Wellness Initiatives

Incorporating a new direction into your culture can feel overwhelming, no matter how sure you are that it’s the right move for your workforce and organization. Nevertheless, when it comes to seamlessly integrating your wellness program and initiatives into your organization’s day-to-day, you’re certainly not alone if you don’t know where to start.

Rest assured, you shouldn’t have to start from scratch. In fact, you probably already have everything you need to make the program a success.

It all starts with a deep evaluation of your current culture.

Step one is to take the time to evaluate your current culture in preparation to assess its relationship to wellness.

Learn more about how a workplace wellness assessment from Bravo and Cleveland Clinic can help you define your wellness strategy.

Reevaluate your mission statement and modify as needed.

Does your current mission statement define who you are, what you stand for, what you’re hoping to achieve, and how you’re going to make your goals come to fruition?

Without knowing the answers to these questions and without ensuring that wellness is tied to your mission statement, it’s easy for the workforce to get lost along the way and become disengaged and unproductive.

Ultimately, your wellness mission needs to support your overarching mission and values.

Refine your core values if necessary to support your commitment to employee wellness.

What are your values? What examples of core values in the workplace do you wish to adopt or strengthen? Do your existing values align with what you want to achieve in wellness?

Start by addressing what is really important to your organization as a business, as a brand, and – most importantly – as an employer. When you know these answers, you can build from there and redefine your core values in the context of your wellness initiative.

Keep in mind that your mission and vision need to be more than just a collection of words that sound good together; they must be rooted in reality. That’s the only way your employees can find motivation in them and live them out.

Ensure the sustainability of your wellness mission and vision.

At the end of the day, remember that in a high-performing culture, many of your employees have already bought into what your organization is doing. Getting buy-in for your new wellness initiatives may be as simple as memorializing what you already have and reinforcing what you’re already doing.

What is something that your workforce is already familiar with? What has already proven successful in motivating your employees? Run with that!

Your Organization’s Vision is One of the Five Essentials That Will Make or Break Your Wellness Initiative

When your organization takes steps to become healthier, extraordinary possibilities will unfold.

In these initial stages, it’s about re-learning who the organization is and how it’s grown; it’s about shoring up loose ends and confidently moving forward, prepared to nurture your evolving culture of wellness. Learn more about the other essentials that will make or break your wellness initiative.

At Bravo, we seek to strengthen organizations by addressing preventable lifestyle-related health risks. We work within your culture to design a comprehensive wellness program that will deliver results your leadership desires and employees need.

Learn more about what it takes to launch a successful wellness initiative and discover how Cleveland Clinic and Bravo can help administer a personalized, configurable, sustainable employee wellness program for your organization.