Witness Protection Program Act ( S.C. 1996, c. 15)

An Act respecting the establishment and operation of a federal program for the protection of certain persons providing information or assistance and respecting the protection of persons admitted to certain provincial or municipal protection programs

Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

Short Title

Marginal note: Short title

1 This Act may be cited as the Witness Protection Program Act .


Marginal note: Definitions

2 In this Act,

means the Commissioner of the Force; ( commissaire )

means a provincial or municipal program that is set out in the schedule; ( programme désigné )

means a person who is receiving protection under a designated program; ( bénéficiaire d’un programme désigné )

means a federal department, agency or service that has a mandate relating to national security, national defence or public safety matters; ( organisation fédérale de sécurité ou de défense )

means the Royal Canadian Mounted Police; ( Gendarmerie )

means the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness; ( ministre )

means the Witness Protection Program established by section 4; ( programme )

means a current or former protectee or a current or former designated program protectee; ( personne protégée )

means a person who is receiving protection under the Program; ( bénéficiaire )

may include relocation, accommodation and change of identity as well as counselling and financial support for those or any other purposes in order to ensure the security of a person or to facilitate the person’s re-establishment or becoming self-sufficient; ( protection )

means an agreement referred to in paragraph 6(1)(c) that applies in respect of a protectee; ( accord de protection )

means, with respect to a designated program, the official designated under subsection 10.1(2) or (3); ( fonctionnaire provincial )

means any injury, whether physical or psychological, that interferes in a substantial way with a person’s health or well-being; ( préjudice sérieux )

Her Majesty

Marginal note: Binding on Her Majesty

2.1 This Act is binding on Her Majesty in right of Canada or a province.

Purpose of Act

Marginal note: Protection of persons

3 The purpose of this Act is to promote law enforcement, national security, national defence and public safety by facilitating the protection of persons