Writing an Interior Design Concept Statement

An interior design concept statement is a project proposal. It spells out what you are going to do and how you are going to do it. You do not have to detail every step of your ideas in a statement. The statement's purpose is to convince a client you are right for the job; if she agrees, the details can follow. A concept design statement can be just a couple of sentences, like an elevator pitch, or a couple of paragraphs.

Define the Job's Goal

For some interior design jobs, your goal is simple. The client has a vision such as a more up-to-date family room or a more functional office. Your interior design statement has to show how you will make the vision real.

A different client, however, may be dissatisfied with her status quo but can not say what is wrong with it. What you need to do here is present your overarching vision for the room, such that all design decision (colors, furnishings and so on) will follow from the concept you have presented. Your interior design statement has to offer a vision even if you do not have clear directions on what the client wants.

Determine Intention and Strategy

Suppose your client wants her breakfast nook to feel more appealing. That gives you a clear goal, but there are many designs that might accomplish that. Your design statement has to show how you will reach her goal better than the competition. It should express your design intentions and your strategy for making them real.

For example, your intention might be to make the room feel like the heart of the house; your strategy might include replacing the current furniture with warm, comfortable wooden chairs.

Express Your Own Thoughts

A good concept statement expresses your thoughts. It does not just repeat what the client tells you she wants, or talk in generalities or obvious statements. "People will love to eat in the breakfast nook," does not tell the client much. Neither do words like "beautiful", "enchanting" or "delightful".

A good statement provides enough detail for the client to understand your intentions and strategy. It helps to look at some interior design concept ideas. "_The breakfast nook will delight everyone because of the warm, inviting furniture under the morning sun streaming through the skyligh_t," for instance, gives the client some solid details to think about. Think about the five core features of interior design: shapes, lines, colors, space and textures — and describe how these might play out in your concept.

Perfect the Design Concept Statement

The design concept statement is not just to sharpen your ideas. It is also supposed to sell the client on your ideas. There are several approaches you can take. You can describe the most eye-catching single feature, or discuss the mood or emotional reaction your concept will invoke.

A simple statement about how you will fix the problem may be enough, as long as you are not just parroting the client's words back at him. Stay away from jargon that sounds technical, and work on your statement until it conveys as much as possible about your idea in as few words as possible.

  1. Better Proposals: Interior Design Concept Statement of Work
  2. Simplicable: 3 Examples of a Concept Statement

Fraser Sherman has written about every aspect of business: how to start one, how to keep one in the black, the best business structure, the details of financial statements. He's also run a couple of small businesses of his own. He lives in Durham NC with his awesome wife and two wonderful dogs. His website is frasersherman.com

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