Merry Christmas dear, may the new year bring us more joy and success.

For close to a month now, I have been acting as an agent for my aunt; apparently she had been trying to lease her shop at one of the busy markets in Accra to prospective tenants to no avail. She therefore consulted me to find a tenant and close the deal on her behalf. Just some few days after declaring our intent by displaying my contact number on the shop, several persons called to inquire the terms of the rent. Of course most people claimed it was too expensive and bargained the “Ghana-way” to agreeable amounts yet couldn’t pay the required upfront cash.

Finally I met this new mother who was so enthused about the location of the shop and immediately called for a formal meeting where she can see the interior for herself.

The deal was closed in hours!

Then came the required tenancy agreement, I was lost at sea. Finally I chanced on these valuable templates.

Hope you find this useful as well, ENJOY!!


Agreement made this day: …………………. Of …………………………………. between Mr./Mrs. ……………………………………….. of post office Box DS 547 Dansoman Estate, in the House B 1286/13 Russia Accra (here in after called” the LANDLORD OR THE HOUSE OWNER which expression shall where the context so requires or admits include his/her successors in title and personal representatives and assigns of the on part Mr./Mrs. …………………………………………………………………. Herein after called TENANT) which expression shall where the context so requires or admits include his/her successors in title and personal representatives and assigns of the other part?


  1. The Land Lord or House Owner lets and the Tenant take a room 1 chamber and Hall, porch or kitchen, enclosed Toilet (Water closet) and Bath in House No B1286 /13 Russia Note: ably in Russia Rented Police Quarters for a period of 2 years commencing from this date …………………………………………… to the end of …………………………………………………………………At a monthly Rental of GH¢150.00 (which is in old currency ¢1,500,000).
  2. That an advance of GH¢3,600.00 (which is ¢36,000,000) of old currency. Has been paid to THE LAND LORD OR HOUSE OWNER.
  3. The Tenancy Agreement is subject to Renewal for another term of years, depending on the Good behavior of the Tenant.
  4. The Tenancy agreement is subject to be terminated if tenant MISBEHAVES.
  6. To keep the interior of the Room in good and tenantable state of Repairs and condition
  7. Not to make any alterations to the room here let without knowledge or written consent of the LANDLORD
  8. To pay all his electricity, water bills consumed and conservancy fees promptly during the period of this agreement
  9. Not to temper with Electricity and water connections or installations in the internal and external of the room or premises without the period approval of the Landlord or House owner in writing or his or her knowledge.
  10. Not to subject the room without the written consent of the Landlord or house owner
  11. Not to make any unnecessary noise, by way of playing records or cassette with loud speaker on top of its volume, or any other form to disturb the peace of other tenants or your neighbors who also stay in the premises or in the house
  12. If the Tenant shall commit a breach of any of the stipulation on his part contain herein, tenancy agreement, his tenancy will be terminated before his tenancy agreement ends and his or her balance will be paid to him or her (Tenant)


  1. That the Landlord or the house owner shall give the tenant three months (3 months) notice, to the end of his or her (Tenant) and ask the Tenant whether he or she will continue to be the LANDLORD Tenant. Note: If THE TENANT agrees to stay in the House.
  3. The Tenant shall also give three (3 months) of notice to the land lord or House Owner if he or she want to leave the said Room for inspection before he leaves.

Signed And Sealed By:


This is to certify that I, the undersigned Madam ……………….. ……………… being the Landlady have received an amount of GH¢ ………………. from, one Mr/Mrs/Miss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .also being the Tenant for renting a room in my house No………. This agreement takes effect from …………….. The rent per month is and it covers the period of ……years and …….months and its ending on the …………………….

This agreement is subject to a renewal by the end of the said period if the Landlady has viewed the conduct of the said Tenant to be very good. Then a new agreement may be signed with a new rent advance.


It is hereby agreed as follows:-

  1. That the Landlady has come to agreement with all Tenants in the house to maintained peace in the house.
  2. That any Tenant found of gossiping or fighting or quarrelling with his or her co-tenant, first he or she would be warned three times. But if that action continues, a letter of quit order will be given to that Tenant without refunding his or her balance.
  3. That there should be no stealing in the House or from outside to the house by anybody if you are found to be doing so you would have your tenancy agreement terminated Immediately. agreement terminated. This receipt/Agreement can be renewed when found necessary.
  4. That all tenant should be in peace with the landlady in the house and to help the land lady financially or physically to maintain peace and harmony in the house.

Landlady Name:………….. Tenant Name:…………..

Landlady Sign:………….. Tenant Sign:…………..

Witness Name:………….. Witness Name:…………..

Witness Sign:………….. Witness Sign:…………..

Witness Tel:………….. Witness Tel:…………..


THE TENANCY AGREEMENT is made this day, 19 th July, 2014 between MR John of B Block 13 H/No.97w87 New Russia, Accra herein after called the LANDLORD where the context so requires or admits include her personal representatives or assigns of the part and …………………………………………………………………. of, Accra herein after called the tenant of the other part.


  1. That following an amount of Nine Thousand, Six Hundred Ghana Cedis (9600.00) paid to the owner of the above name building and the above numbered B BLOCK 13 H/No.1460 New Russia, Accra to cover a rent period of two (2) years (24months) that is from 15 th August, 2014 to 15 th August, 2016, both dates inclusive.
  2. That the amount of nine thousand six hundred (9600.00) is being paid on 19 th July, 2014 and that the monthly rent is four hundred Ghana cedis (400.00) only
  3. That the house will be fully furnished, painted and completed by 15 st August, 2014 and the key handed over to the tenants.
  4. That the tenant cannot rent out the property to any other person without the consent of the Landlord
  5. That the property should be in a state of good repairs.
  6. That there should be no extensions or repairs without the consent of the owner.
  7. That the property should be used only as a residence
  8. That the rent of four hundred Ghana cedis will be adjusted upwards after two years of staying in the house
  9. That both parties can give three months notice of their intention to renew/ terminate the agreement.
  10. A total of ten keys have been given to the tenant. The total number of keys will be given back to the landlord when tenant is leaving the house.
  11. That the agreement can be renewed/ terminated after the expiring of the above date after mode of payment discussed
  12. Dated in Accra this 19 th day of July, 2014 that this agreement is binding for two years.

Signature of Tenant(s) Signature of Landlord

Full name of Tenant(s) Full name of Landlord

Signature of witness (tenant) Signature of witness (Landlord)

Full name of witness Full name of witness



Agreement is hereby entered between … A…. of House No. 195548 Accra herein called. the
Landlord and Samuel Amaah Amartei called the tenant that:

  1. The Landlord has offered a room in his at House No. 1998/4 to the Tenant and the Tenant
    has agree to accept same.
  2. That the monthly rent shall be GH¢30.00 and subject to alteration as both parties shall accept to be proper, from time to time.
  3. That the rent is subject to payment ever in advance to avoid inconvenience.
  4. That the Tenant shall not sublet part of whole of his room to any other party.
  5. That the Tenant shall comport himself during his schedule in the house to bring peace and
    harmony in the house.
  6. That the Tenant shall maintain the property of the Landlord to the highest esteem to avoid any
    damage or destruction during his stay in the room, and hand over same to the Landlord in
    good condition a time of his removal from the house.
  7. That the Tenant shall give the Landlord 3 months notice prior to his intention to vacate the
  8. That the Landlord shall give the Tenant 3 months notice of his intention to remove from
    the house (to remove him).
  9. That this agreement is subject to renewal of this agreement of this agreement after expiration
    if she feels the conduct of the tenant is not good or otherwise.
  10. That the Landlord has the right to reject renewal of this agreement after expiration if she feels
    the conduct of the tenant is not good or otherwise.
  11. The Tenant shall keep his jurisdiction in proper manner as to give sanitation in the house.
  12. Upon understanding of this agreement, the tenant has offered to pay an amount of GH¢1,260.00 being rent advance for 3years 0 months and the Landlord has accepted same.
  13. After careful consideration of all parts of this Agreement, we have accepted all points entered herein as proper to our benefits, and duly appended our signatures herein as duly entered.
  14. The agreement starts from 2 nd June, 2014 and expires in 2 nd June, 2017.


I, the under-signed, Ebenezer Sarbah, Landlord of H/No. B205,15, Mataheko, Accra, have received the sum of GH¢720.00 (seven hundred and twenty Ghana Cedis) from Mad. Elizabeth Dansoa, for putting her Kiosk on my land for 4 years (four) with effect from 2 nd October, 2013 to 2 nd October, 2017, at GH¢15.00 month