APCO Air Valve Guide 610
12 Pages

APCO Air Valve Guide 610

Theory and Use of Air Valves Engineers: Air Release Valves and Air/Vacuum Valves are essential components to total pipeline design, not accessory items. Without these essential valves, pipeline capacity will be reduced 5 to 10% or more due to air pocket built up in the line. This reduced capacity may go unnoticed because air is an invisible culprit in pipelines. Efficiency: Not only will pockets of air rob precious line capacity, but entrapped air will also rob precious electrical energy. The pump will have to operate at a higher head to overcome the constricted flow. The elimination of air.

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1. Air Release Valves Air Release Valves are hydro-mechanical devices which automatically vent small pockets of air as they accumulate at high points in a system while the system is operating and pressurized. By understanding problems associated with air pockets in a system we can appreciate that Air Release Valves (ARV) are devices ideally suited to eliminate those problems. As a function of physics, entrained air will settle out of the liquid being pumped and collect at high points within the system. If provisions are not made to remove this air from high points, pockets of air will.

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2. Air/Vacuum Valves An Air/Vacuum Valve (AVV) is float operated, having a large discharge orifice equal in size to the valve inlet. This valve allows large volumes of air to be exhausted from or admitted into a system as it is filled or drained. Used on pipelines, the following conditions would prevail: Prior to filling, a pipeline is thought to be empty, but this is not true. In reality it is filled with air. This air must be exhausted in a smooth uniform manner to prevent pressure surges and other destructive phenomenon from occurring in the pipeline. Additionally, air must be allowed to.

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3. Combination Air Valves As the name implies, Combination Air Valves (CAV) have operating features of both Air/Vacuum Valves and Air Release Valves. These valves are also called Double Orifice Valves. These valves are installed on all high points of a system where it has been determined Air/Vacuum and Air Release Valves are needed to vent and protect a pipeline. Generally it is sound engineering practice to use CAV’s instead of simple purpose Air/Vacuum Valves. CAV’s are available in two body styles – (1) a single body combination (2) a custom built combination (CCAV) with two (2) bodies.

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Special Service Air Valves Air Release Valves & Air/Vacuum Valves for Sewage Lines APCO air valves for sewage operation are identical to the standard air valves. They differ only in appearance, with the bodies being considerably longer in height. The elongated bodies serve to minimize the problem of clogging by the use of a long float stem, which creates an air pocket to prevent the sewage from fouling up the top mechanism. For ease of maintenance, Back Flushing Attachments are recommended with the valves as shown in the photos. Once installed, the valves should be inspected at least once a.

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Special Service Air Valves Hydraulically Controlled Air/ Vacuum Valve Used for positive pipeline protection against damaging pressure surges. The operating principle of this valve is the same as the conventional Air/ Vacuum Valve with one exception – Hydraulically Controlled Air/ Vacuum Valves are normally open (because the heavy cast float is not buoyant) and slowly close after spilling a regulated volume of water to minimize a pressure surge. This valve provides excellent pipeline protection against primary and secondary surge pressures which usually occur when filling or draining a.

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Pump Protectors Pump protectors are an inexpensive way to protect a very expensive Centrifugal Pump from damage due to loss of prime. The Pump Protector is made up of two components; an Automatic Air Release Valve and a Water Level Control Switch. The Automatic Air Release Valve allows air from the suction line and pump volute to be vented. The Water Level Control Switch senses the water level rising – indicating the pump is primed or the level is falling. When indicating loss of prime the Pump Protector will make or break the electrical circuit to the pump. Additionally a horn or a warning.

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Typical Air Valve Applications Air Release Valves for Centrifugal Pumps An Air Release Valve mounted on the volute of a pump as shown in the illustrations below, will rid the pump of entrapped air. The Air Release Valve will be furnished upon request with a Vacuum Check, which will permit air to pass out, but not in. This is especially desirable with volatile fluid. Model 55 is standard with a Vacuum Check. Vacuum Check is optional on all other Air Release Valves. See Bulletin 600 Check the tapped hole on the volute of the pump. If 1/2" or larger, select a valve with same inlet size from.

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Air Eliminators Well Point Systems In well point and similar systems which are subject to large irregular slugs of air, the Air Eliminators are excellent because of their capacity to trap and hold the slug of air and then discharge it into the atmosphere. Where there is a negative pressure in the line it is necessary to attach a vacuum line to the valve orifice. This insures that any air which collects in the valve will be drawn off when the valve opens. Application: Air Eliminators are especially valuable for use on gasoline and oil metering systems, where it is essential to eliminate any.