Subdivision & Plat Dedication Process

The Dedication Process Manual (PDF) provides engineers and developers with a guide to the subdivision dedication process in the City of Charleston. The Department of Public Service hopes this Manual will assist applicants in completing the multiple steps, reviews, and forms required to dedicate public rights-of-way and infrastructure to the City.

Obtaining a Plat Dedication Package

Before a final plat is approved and filed at the applicable Register Mesne Conveyance (RMC) office, various documents must be submitted to and approved by the City of Charleston.

After Document Submission

After submitting these documents to the Public Service Department Engineering Division, the package will be logged and sent to the appropriate departments for review and approval. Incomplete packages will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant for correction and resubmission.

When all departments have responded to the Engineering Division with their approvals, the process will be complete and the final plat recorded.