What is Archery: Complete Guide

Did you know that archery has remained a popular sport since the beginning of the Olympics? Derived from the Latin word “arcus”, meaning bow and arrows, the sport remains one of the oldest forms of sport.

Many budding archers today continue to question what is archery and learn the basics of the game. To learn everything there is to know about archery, check out the rest of our guide! From field archery to 3D archery, we’ve got you covered.

What is Archery?

Man and women practicing archery outdoor

The answer to the question, “what is archery” can be best explained as a sport or skill that involves shooting arrows with a bow at a target. While it was used primarily for hunting and warfare in the past, it’s mainly practiced as a recreational or competitive sport today.

Archers use specialized equipment such as bows, arrows, and a quiver to hold the arrows. The goal is to hit a target, usually made of a circular board with concentric rings, with as much accuracy as possible.

One of the most important things to remember when learning about what is archery is to understand that to ace the game, you not only need focus, skill, and physical strength but mental discipline and precision as well.

Archery can be practiced indoors or outdoors, and there are many different styles and techniques of archery.

Archery Rules and Regulations

Archery target in outdoor

Archery is a sport played indoors and outdoors and it has a few basic rules. These vary depending on where archery is being practiced. Enthusiasts must understand and follow these rules, which include:

The rules mentioned above are just some general rules of archery. However, more specific restrictions may apply depending on the type of archery being practiced.

As a beginner, you should learn the rules and regulations of the particular type of archery you are interested in and always practice safety and respect.

Important Archery Terms

aim at the bow

Whether you are practicing archery for hunting or as a recreational or competitive sport, part of learning what is archery includes understanding these basic terminologies and jargon.

These are just some of the many terms used by experienced archers. As you continue to practice and learn more about what is archery, you will become familiar with additional terminology and jargon.


Despite being a low-intensity sport, archery is a game that requires both passion and patience. It is one of the few sports that can be enjoyed by both the young and the old.

In this article, we aim to help you understand the basics of what is archery and provide a complete guide to help you get started with archery practice. However, like with all sports, it is essential to tread with caution and remember to practice safety first.